negative experience

美 [ˈneɡətɪv ɪkˈspɪriəns]英 [ˈneɡətɪv ɪkˈspɪəriəns]
  • 不好的经历
negative experiencenegative experience
  1. The experts commented : “ Payday loans are not the best way to resolve debt struggles . We know that many who take them out find them to be a negative experience , often escalating financial troubles . ”


  2. Is it on balance a positive or negative experience ?


  3. Others choose home schooling after a negative experience of school .


  4. The negative experience could predict mental health .


  5. Do you see prison as being a wholly negative experience ?


  6. The very act of gratitude transforms the negative experience into a positive one .


  7. There are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative experience for listeners .


  8. Passage One There are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative experience for listeners .


  9. Our cadres have acquired twelve years of experience in socialist revolution and construction , including both positive and negative experience .


  10. Satisfaction and trust are significant intermediary effect between relation of negative experience of after-sales service and brand switching intention .


  11. It combines the problem with the positive and negative experience in the teaching , constructs the proper frame of the teaching mode .


  12. We should sum up both positive and negative experience and restore or establish such rules and regulations as are essential .


  13. The positive and negative experience of developed countries in benchmark interest rate adjustment shall be learned by our country for our reference .


  14. This article summarize advantages and disadvantages about Industrial policy of East Asia Miracle , China traditional positive and negative experience of industrial policy ;


  15. The important thing is that you do not panic , as this will only exasperate the negative experience .


  16. Some scholars believe that the serial homicides generally have similar experienced growth , for example , a negative experience in life .


  17. They come to see the clinician with all this negative experience , not expecting to receive anything that will work for them .


  18. What 's worse , when game players have a negative experience , they are likely to tell their friends , family , and community .


  19. Frustration was the negative experience that someone encountered obstacles and interference in a planned activities of the process which caused its purpose cannot be achieved .


  20. The negative experience mainly analyzes the land policy undertaken by the government of Song Dynasty , whereby some implications for land conflicts in the modern society are drawn .


  21. Chapter 3 analyses a few famous cases of international financial cooperation so far , and gets some interrelated positive and negative experience which could supply beneficial reference to other chapters .


  22. At last in the part of discussion , I considered the positive and negative experience in the process of training , and summered up the inspiration we got from it .


  23. If such behavior or attitudes are repeated , or if reports of the negative experience become widespread , an otherwise reputable company can suffer irreparable damage .


  24. Education and Japanese Modernization - An Exploration on Positive and Negative Experience of the Educational Reform ; A holistic review of the curriculum across all levels of schooling is under way .


  25. You should realize that every failure can be a push to your success , because negative experience usually changes your prior principles and makes you look for other ways to reach your goals .


  26. Its forming has a deep social historical origin . It accumulates the positive and negative experience for the exploration of China 's socialism and it is the valuable wealth of the developing socialism .


  27. Transformation is the principal artistic technique of modernist literature . Its unique aesthetic function lies in the reflection of the writer ′ s negative experience about the world , especially the distortion of human nature .


  28. There are three main elements that combine to create either a positive or negative experience for listeners . They can result in a voice that is pleasing to listen to and can be used effectively .


  29. A recent study found that certain factors seem to correlate with an increase in claustrophobic reactions , including being female , going into the scanner head first and having a previous negative experience with the test .


  30. The functions of national history studies in the construction of a socialist harmonious society are manifested in summing up positive and negative experience , expounding the conditions already created and providing historical references and theoretical support .
